AI Rewind: Improving Productivity with AI

This week’s most popular posts

Every week, I learn more about how to improve the value of my newsletter.

So, on Saturday, I try to provide some links to my top posts and something useful, even if you choose not to follow a single link.

I would love to know in the comments if this round-up is valuable.

Tip: Chain-of-Thought Prompting

Chain-of-thought(CoT) prompting in ChatGPT involves structuring queries to mimic human problem-solving processes. It helps the AI to break down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts, leading to more accurate and detailed responses.

Application Scenario

Imagine you're consulting for a company that wants to leverage AI for data analysis. They have a complex dataset and must understand the relationships between various factors affecting their sales.

Implementation Steps

Here’s how you would tackle this scenario using CoT prompting.

  1. Identify the Problem: Define the specific question or problem. For instance, "How do various marketing channels impact our sales figures?"

  2. Break Down the Query: Create a chain-of-thought prompt by dividing the problem into smaller, logical steps. For example, “First, identify the different marketing channels. Next, analyze sales data corresponding to each channel. Then, look for trends or patterns in this data.”

  3. Utilize ChatGPT: Input the structured, step-by-step prompt into ChatGPT. The AI will follow the outlined thought process to tackle each part of the problem sequentially.

  4. Analyze the Response: Evaluate the AI's output for each step. This might include data patterns, correlations, or insights specific to each marketing channel.

  5. Iterative Feedback: If the initial response isn't unsatisfactory, refine the prompt by clarifying or adding more steps and resubmit it to ChatGPT.

The Outcome

A detailed, logically structured analysis that provides clearer insights into the relationship between marketing channels and sales figures.

Interesting posts from others

Here are some great AI-related writing resources from people I follow on LinkedIn.

  • Celeste Yamile ⏳ has a really good tutorial on how to use @Copy.AI to create copywriting workflows - (

  • Luke Matthews has an amazing prompt for ghostwriting and a process to make it great (


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